Sanitising and Decontamination

In this time of extreme alert Dunbar are here to assist in the rapid deployment of its highly trained and specialised staff for facility sanitising and decontamination.

Dunbar Services have been in the industry facilitating sanitising and decontamination for over 20 years in Hospitals, Government sectors, Facility Management companies and the private sector. Dunbar have been on the front line in Risk Mitigation against microbial contamination in health facilities by controlling microbial outbreaks and implementing strategies to manage re-occurrence through best industry practice with independently proven products with microbial inhibitors.


Dunbar Services Technician sanitising the workplace by mist fogging to help prevent COVID-19 in Perth WA and TAS.

Reducing surface & airborne bacteria that host harmful viruses.


How do viruses like COVID -19 spread?

Coronavirus, like other viruses, host in bacteria that can attach to organisms such as mould (PM10) and this, in turn, attaches to micro-surfaces like dust and pollen (<PM10).

We breathe in the dust & pollen and this transports the virus to our respiratory system where its aggressive reproduction commences and those susceptible are at most risk.

Additionally, transfer of the virus to humans is via bacteria accumulation on contaminated surfaces being spread by hand to nose, mouth, ears and eyes.

Read more on the transmission and how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in workplaces.

The size of COVID-19 and how it attaches to particulates.

Risk Mitigation Against Infection


Dunbar Services Technician thermal fogging for decontamination in the workplace to prevent COVID-19 in the workplace in Perth WA and TAS.

This is a precautionary risk mitigation process to diminish viral contamination by reducing those elements that facilitate the transfer of viruses to humans. Thermal & mist fogging occupied spaces, plus the air conditioning that recirculate these areas, help to limit the necessary carriers of virus and bacteria.

To prevent the re-occurrence of bacterial, mould and fungal accumulation within these areas, we utilise a proven microbial inhibitor called San-Air.


This is a reactive process to an already identified contamination and is the next level of protection in reestablishment of an occupied space for habitation. This involves a higher level of safety precaution, concentration levels of decontaminate plus qualifying outcomes with microbial testing of surfaces and conditioned space on completion. TGA & EPA approved COVID-19 decontaminates such as Quaternary Ammonias and Hydrogen peroxide are utilized in decontaminating sites where there has been likely or confirmed contamination of an area.


Maintaining the environment after the thorough sanitisation or decontamination is simple with SanAir products. Their proven active capabilities to eliminate microbials by means of natural & safe evaporation into the airstreams and settling on surfaces ensures there is a constant replenishment of antimicrobial at all times. The surface spray solutions are for the frequently used areas such as door handles, chairs and desk/table tops including keyboards and mouse.


Proactive personal hygiene by means of washing hands, surface cleaning and social distancing is good practice. Antimicrobial waterless hand sanitizer from SanAir and surface spray products are the next layer of protection against microbial contamination. Personal units for cars & travelers have an evaporative gel for a bubble-like personal protection against airborne contamination.


New thermal foggers, ready for sanitising and decontamination in Perth WA and TAS.


This is the process of producing a fine thermal smoke mist that rapidly carries micro droplets of sanitizing inhibitors throughout an area which settle on all surfaces to kill microbial contamination.

The air conditioning system is operative during this process and the decontaminate is drawn through the return air to plant then redistributed through the supply air outlets. This is the most thorough & rapid method for sanitizing/decontaminating an occupied space from a small living quarters to a large stadium.


This is the process of splitting antimicrobial solution droplets to an ultra-fine sanitizer mist that propel into occupied spaces & settle on exposed surfaces to kill microbial contamination. Although not as expedient at sanitizing/decontaminating large areas it is highly effective for general occupied areas and as a backup for thermal fogging.


As the splits are the breeding ground for microbials Dunbar would clean the split air conditioner filter, spray the coil with microbial decontaminate concentrate and install a 15ml SanAir gel to mitigate risk of contaminates in the room for up to 5 weeks. After this time a simple replacement of the 15ml gel will keep the microbial levels at bay and continue to reduce the risk of viral infections.


We are all aware that the HVAC systems are the lungs of our occupied environment. They are highly susceptible to microbial contamination and when their bacterial counts are high they push this into the air we are breathing. Viruses such as COVID-19 require this bacteria to transition from an innate object to an actively reproducing infectious virus which then feed on mould and ride on dust particles before transferring through respiration into humans lungs.

Click here to read more on AHU & Duct cleaning and decontamination.

SAN-AIR the Quiet Achiever

Study of how San-Air can help prevent COVID-19. San-Air can be shipped throughout Australia.

SAN-AIR is an Australian invention that significantly reduces microbial contaminants in HVAC systems and occupied spaces.

It is a proven biostat that uses natural ingredients blended scientifically to provide powerful microbial control in all indoor environments.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2016 identified the SARS-related virus, one of several viruses, as a likely cause of a future epidemic. This prediction has come to pass with the 2019-20 coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic SAN-AIR gel was tested on Coronavirus -SARSr-CoV where it achieved a 14.5% reduction over 15 minutes in an air system. The idea antiviral outcome is 5min but San-Air has achieved what no other known product can claim by actively reducing the virus in the air by removing the potential hosts, bacteria.

The Australian TGA advise there are no current claims for airborne decontamination of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) strain but SAN-AIR is currently undergoing testing in 2 locations where we expect a definitive result.

How it does it work?

SAN-AIR was deliberately designed as a biostat. A biostat is defined as an agent which inhibits the growth or multiplication of an organism, especially a microorganism. SAN-AIR actives interfere with the replication and eproductive metabolism of microorganisms. It does this gently so as to not create a spread of mycotoxins that often result from harsh
chemical activity.

San-Air Interrupts Coronavirus Spread

SAN-AIR gel evaporates into the air and neutralises bacteria whenever it comes into contact with them. Made from certified organic ingredients, under strict quality systems. Independently university tested to deliver a highly effective product for mould and bacterial control whilst safe to use around humans and animals.

No other gel has this level of validation.

SAN-AIR controls the levels of mould and bacteria in the air.
Key benefits are:

San-Air helps the world with no toxic chemicals and is germicidal to help sanitising and decontamination.

Click here to purchase your San-Air products!

For more information about how we can assist your business with your sanitising and decontamination needs,

contact us on 📞 9248 1688!


  • 08 9248 1688
  • 08 9248 5988
  • 64 Christable Way
    Landsdale 6065 WA

Mould Or Bacteria Issues?

View Our San-Air Products Today!

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